About management of changes in learning activity

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This article refers to the class of cases regarding the questions of changes management in learning activity through the example of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The article is aimed at distribution of practice in the application of system changes in management of learning process of educational organization of the higher learning in line with principal directions of modernization of higher education in Russian Federation. This article presents the new learning policy basics and a short description of main changes in learning activity, namely, structural reforms; adoption of new curriculum management system; updating of training content and use of advanced learning technologies; changes in education programs budgeting; changes of responsibility for the material and technical resources applied in learning process; modernization of learning process automated management systems. Changes management in learning activity has the system nature and requires change-over of all learning process basic components. The phased transition to adoption for changes with account to the received intermediate results and introduced changes review is necessary, herein the particular attention should be paid to development of the local regulatory system regulating the introduced changes and carrying explanatory work among teaching personnel. The article is essential because it includes recommendations and approaches which must be taken into account for modernization of learning activity in the educational organizations of the higher learning.


Learning policy, modernization of the higher education, education programs management

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142227140

IDR: 142227140

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