The objects of copyright in Russia and in France

Автор: Rakhmatulina Rimma Shamilyevna

Журнал: Legal Concept @legal-concept

Рубрика: Главная тема номера

Статья в выпуске: 3 (28), 2015 года.

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The article is devoted to the objects of copyright in Russia and in France. The author compares the work as the object of copyright of two countries characterizing the feature of creativity through the scope of originality, novelty and uniqueness. Creativity as the main feature of the author's work leads to the creation of a new, unique object of intellectual labor. The author reviews the external and internal form of such objects for determining the object of borrowing. The objects with "low level of art" are also allocated for both Russia and France. The author provides characteristics of original and non-original titles of works of the studied countries, characters, fragile works, designs.


Work, creativity, originality, novelty, uniqueness, dignity, objects of copyright

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