Ensuring a decent life for people as a universal criminological factor of criminal legal policy in the security field

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The article attempts a socio-criminological and constructivist understanding of the crisis state of criminal law in the sphere of ensuring the security of politically organized social systems. It is stated that the main cause of the crisis is the removal of power from a systemic and consistent policy of ensuring a decent life for people in favor of the interests of the economically ruling elites. Changing this paradigm of interests in the system of legal regulation and criminal defense is the primary task for legal science and practice.

Criminal law policy, criminal law and security, security law, abuse of security law and criminal law, security measures and criminal law, law and order

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14131617

IDR: 14131617   |   DOI: 10.47475/2311-696X-2024-42-3-60-65

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