Providing the efficiency of sugar beet production in the Central federal district

Автор: Kalinicheva E.Yu., Uvarova M.N., Zhilina L.N.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2 (77), 2019 года.

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The factors affecting the economic efficiency of sugar beet production are considered in the article. According to the authors’ opinion, interest in this problem is associated with the fact that the sugar industry is one of the strategic sectors of the agro-industrial complex, the sale of sugar steadily grows in recent years. The sugar beet acreage in 2017 was 1,199 thousand hectares, that is 17.3% and 8% higher than the corresponding indicators in 2015 and 2016. Whole yield amounted to 51.9 million tons, that is 12.9 ml. tons more than it was in 2015. The Lipetsk and the Voronezh regions have the leading positions in the Central Federal District in the sugar beet production. At the largest sugar factories of these areas: the Dobrinsky, the Eletsky, the Olkhovatovsky, the Elan-Kolenovsky, in November 2018, 955; 825.8; 787.6 and 740, 6 thousand tons were processed correspondingly. The authors found that the productivity of sugar beet cultivation industry is directly related with the rise of labor productivity, the introduction of modern technologies, and the cost reduction that way every farm has the ability to get additional profits. One of the main problems in the agrarian sector of the economy is the use of available resources to obtain the largest number of products. The vector of sugar beet production development should be focused on optimizing footprint around sugar factories, taking into account climatic conditions, and production costs minimizing. Our understanding is that, all this can be realized if there is significant state support at the federal and regional levels. The problem of efficient development of the sugar industry is relevant and a priority in addressing regional policy, the implementation of which will not only eliminate these disparities and reduce imports, but also support domestic producers.


Sugar beet subcomplex, sugar industry, production efficiency, sugar factories, whole yield, yield, crop area

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147228779   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2019.2.103

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