Ensuring the competitiveness of small forms of managing in the agrarian sector of the economy

Автор: Volobueva T.A., Kolomeychenko A.S.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 (78), 2019 года.

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More than twenty years have passed since the beginning of the agrarian reforms, and discussions about the role and opportunities in the agricultural production of small forms of management are no less relevant. Some experts and scientists argue that the farm sector is not able to compete with large businesses and will not become dominant, as in the Western European and North American countries. Others, on the contrary, pointing to the high potential and dynamics of the development of small forms of management, their increasing role in the development of rural areas, determine their place in the multi-agricultural economy. Ensuring the competitiveness of small businesses in modern market conditions is relevant not only from a scientific point of view, but also in terms of production and economic activities. The purpose of the work is to determine the factors that ensure the competitiveness of small businesses in the agricultural sector. On the basis of the analysis of works of prominent scientists and economists the factors providing competitiveness of small forms of management were considered and systematized. The systematized factors providing competitiveness of small forms of management are subdivided into internal and external factors. The first ones, creating an environment for the functioning of the economic entities, include: natural and geographical, political, economic and marketing components. The second characterize the potential of the economic entity and its ability to ensure its own competitiveness: the competitiveness of products, social and demographic, organizational, technical and technological components. The competitiveness of small businesses is the ability to produce quality agricultural products along with other economic entities, effectively using the available land, labor, material and financial resources. In order to ensure the competitiveness of small businesses, it is necessary to take into account the selected factors, which will allow coordinating activities properly in order to continue effective functioning under the market conditions.


Competitiveness, factors, agricultural sector of economy, small forms of management

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147230660

IDR: 147230660   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2019.3.91

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