Substantation of volume of operation of excision of chronical perforative duodenal ulcer from the morphological point of view

Автор: Vachev A.N., Kozlov A.A., Suhachev P.A., Dergal S.V., Larina T.V., Koritcev V.K., Antropov I.V.

Журнал: Морфологические ведомости @morpholetter

Рубрика: Краткие сообщения

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.19, 2011 года.

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132 morfologocal and morfometrical researches were made with gistological preparations of perforative duodenal ulcers. The conclusion was made, that the biggest fibroplastic and acute inflomative changes were seen in the zones, that were kept till the distance of 0,5 sm. from the ulcer defect. On the distance of 1 sm. from the edge of the perforation and further moderate fibroplastic and minimal inflamative processes were supervised, that also distributed on distanced zones of walls of the duodenum. The conclusion was made, that the excision of perforative ulcers within the patients with diameter of palpatoried infiltration less than 3 sm. must be made at a point not less, then 1 sm. from the edge of perforative defect.


Duodenal perforative ulcer, excision, volume density of fibro tissue, volume density of inflamative infiltration

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IDR: 143176991

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