Development and substantiation of parameters of a mathematical model of a 0.4 kV rural electric network in MATLAB Simulink

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Currently, modeling is one of the most effective tools for studying the operating modes of electrical networks. In this regard, using the Matlab Simulink application program, the development and justification of the parameters of the 0.4 kV rural electric network is carried out to study its operating modes. To substantiate the parameters, the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, methods of calculating electrical networks and the theory of transients in electric power systems are used. The paper substantiates the main elements of the model: a three-phase power supply, a three-phase two-winding transformer, phase and neutral wires of the electrical network, as well as other elements. The mathematical model of the 0.4 kV rural electric network obtained based on the results of the study will allow for a comprehensive study of the operating modes of 0.4 kV rural electric networks, including when using photovoltaic installations and partitioning facilities in them.


Modeling, mathematical model, rural electric grid, transformer, power system, load, damage, short circuit, matlab simulink

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IDR: 147242875

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