Justification of parameters of the processes of preparationand distribution of fodder mixes among sows

Автор: Kryuchkova L.G., Dotsenko S.M., Burmaga A.V., Vinokurov S.A.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2017 года.

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Decisive influence on the efficiency of sows in the period of lactation and successful growing of pigs is rendered by the organization of rational feeding of animals with full-fledged sterns at their high efficiency use. The main operations in prepa-ration of full ration fodder mixes to pigs are obliga-tory preparation of root tubers by their sink or dry cleaning, and also crushing with a certain particle size distribution of the product, receiving uniform mixes with subsequent their dosed delivery to ani-mals according to zootechnical norm. The research objective is the increase of efficiency of functioning of system of the mechanized feeding of sows. The research problems were to develop structurally functional and constructive and technological schemes of limited mobility distributor; analytically and experimentally to prove optimum values of pa-rameters of process of preparation and distribution of fodder mixes to sows; to develop the line of preparation and distribution of fodder mixes with use of innovative technological and technical solu-tions. The justification of parameters of processes of preparation and distribution of fodder mixes to sows is presented in the study. The block diagram of the system of mechanized feeding of sows, and also the constructive and technological scheme of cattlefeeder mixer of screw type are developed. The innovative constructive and technological scheme of the line of preparation and distribution of fodder mixes is offered sows. On the basis of de-veloped schemes and methodological approaches the distributor mixer of forages with a discrete way of dispensing of fodder mixes is offered sows when using concentrated-root tuber type of their feeding. Analytical corresponding dependences are also experimentally revealed, and also optimum param-eters of the distributor mixer with discrete type of dispensing of mixes to sows are proved. The re-ceived results are realized in the innovative line of preparation and distribution of fodder mixes to sows which owing to higher efficiency are recommended for the pig farms subject to reconstruction.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140224212

IDR: 140224212

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