Justification of the significance of technological entrepreneurship for the Kazakhstan Republic innovative development

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Today technological development is recognized as one of the key factors in increasing the competitiveness of national economies. In this direction, an active scientific search is being carried out both to identify the significance of the technological entrepreneurship phenomenon for innovative ecosystems, and to develop effective mechanisms for its development. This article is the contribution of the authors to the solution of the first scientific problem. The review of the literature on the Republic of Kazakhstan innovative development showed that the existing works either do not cover the significance of technological entrepreneurship for the current stage of economic development, or the studies are focused only on certain aspects of innovative activity. Therefore, a study is required to assess the dynamics and current state of innovation activity in the country and the prospects for the technological entrepreneurship development. In accordance with this goal, official statistical data were collected for the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period 2010-2020, characterizing the level of innovative development of the economy in accordance with the Oslo Manual’s requirements. The compiled time series of data were analyzed through an assessment of the dynamics of changes and compared with similar data from the countries of the European Union. As a result, it was found that in terms of innovative development the Republic of Kazakhstan lags far behind the leading EU countries (Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy) and is at a similar level with such countries as Lithuania, Cyprus, and Malta. For each indicator of innovative activity, the significance of the development of technological entrepreneurship was substantiated from the point of view of realizing the economic and innovative potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study results contribute to the understanding of the strategic opportunities for the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan and can be considered both as an achieved result and as a reference point for future measures to stimulate technological innovation.


Innovative activity, innovative entrepreneurship, technology entrepreneurship, technological innovation, r&d, statistical review, eu countries

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147237394

IDR: 147237394

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