Воat designations as a component of the fishery vocabulary in the Komi language

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Names of a boat, oar and pole make an independent microsystem as a part of fishery vocabulary in the Komi language which, as well as adjacent categories, has ancient origin. The earliest finds of boats refer to the Neolithic, and the oar found by our archeologists refers to the earlier period - to the Mesolithic. Boat occurrence has essentially changed the character of fishery, along with riverside fishing it gave the chance to be engaged in fishery activities on large reservoirs in the vicinity, and on considerable distance from settlements. As well as in other branches of lexical fund of the Komi language, in the considered lexical- topical group there are found words of primordial origin and borrowings. The primordial part consists of lexical units of pra-Uralic, pra-Finno-Ugric, pra- Permian, pra-Komi and proper Komi origin. Formation of non-primordial part taking an insignificant place, occurred at late stages of existence of the Komi language as a result of borrowings from two sources - Russian and Ob-Ugrian. Classification of nominative units is made proceeding from the subject- conceptual content of designations, the diachronic analysis represents systematization of the available pra-forms and working out of new reconstructions.


Komi language, fishery vocabulary, the boat names, primordial designations, borrowings

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IDR: 14992813

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