Image of daily life in Goncharov’s novels

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The article addresses the image of daily life in the art world of I. A. Goncharov. The phenomenon of daily life is considered as part of the oppositions "everyday life - being", "material - spiritual", etc. The analysis is preceded by a brief excursion into the history of the scientific study of this phenomenon by representatives of philosophy, sociology and literary criticism, which allows us to state the variety of different approaches and the absence of a universal formulation of the concept. In our study we have used cultural and historical, semiotic and typological methods. As a result of the analysis we have come to the following conclusions. Daily life as an object of the description is extremely important for the writer, who had a penchant for the reconstruction of mature native life forms. In Goncharov’s novels the image of daily life is represented primarily by everyday and spatiotemporal realities. On the one hand, daily life in its components is part of the image of the character, on the other hand, the image of daily life as a whole has aesthetic and axiological self-sufficiency.


Goncharov, art world, image, novels, daily life, everyday realities, narrator, historicism

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329955   |   DOI: 10.18101/2686-7095-2024-3-44-52

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