Education in search of identity: East and West
Автор: Nechitaylo I.S.
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Статья в выпуске: 1, 2017 года.
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Currently, separation of “West” and “East” is based on a generalized view of scientists on the world’s diversity of education models. According to this models there are two global educational systems, each of them has a number of distinctive features. The author comes to the conclusion that imitation of the standards of unified European educational space requires consideration of national education traditions. Without it any transformations will be not only ineffectual, but also dangerous. Criteria for selecting what to adopt in education, and what to refuse, what to correct slightly, and what to subject to a radical changes, can not be established randomly.
East, west, education, economy, culture, traditions, innovations, educational model, transformations, globalization, society
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