Educational online platforms as a source for developing the entrepreneurial potential of a subject

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The article presents the interim results of a study carried out as part of a project under the Student Startup program supported by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises. The main goal of this project is to develop and test the technology of designing individual trajectory of self-development on the example of revealing the entrepreneurial potential of the subject. The constructed model of diagnostics and development of entrepreneurial abilities is based on the methodology of I. Adizes who considers four styles or types of management (Producer, Administrator, Entrepreneur or Idea Generator, and Integrator) the totality of which ensures the successful functioning of the organization. Combining all four roles within one person is impossible since they often conflict while implementing specific tasks but the combination of individual functions allows one to succeed in various activities. The integral type PaEi is designated by the author of the analyzed typology as Entrepreneur. Implemented theoretical study resulted at describing the characteristics of that type and determination of the strengths and weaknesses of the associated types of Idea Generator (E) and Producer (P). Practical recommendations for compensating for deficit psychological properties are presented, online platforms and distance courses are listed, and studying them will allow students to reveal their entrepreneurial potential.


Entrepreneurial potential, soft-skills, self-development, online platform, online course

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IDR: 148328708   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-96-34-40

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