All-Russian civil identity: philosophical and methodological foundations and praxeological prospects
Автор: Polezhaev D.V.
Журнал: Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Философия @vestnik-bsu
Статья в выпуске: 4, 2024 года.
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The article actualizes the problem of all-Russian civil identity formation. We have considered scientific-theoretical, political-ideological and praxeological (educational) aspects of the phenomenon. We believe that the socio-philosophical aspect of understanding identity lies in the search for deep psychological foundations, "reference points" of modern Russian identity construction. For civil identity of this kind, the Russian mentality serves as a cultural and historical support. It is on its deep psychic attitudes that modern Russian civil identity is built - the identity of a person, a social group and a large community of people. We propose to implement the practical "measurement" of identity by means of the sociological and educational model "Identity Matrix". This model contains the most significant axiological concepts / cultural and historical constants that are important for understanding the mental characteristics of Russian civilization.
Philosophy of education, all-russian civil identity, mentality, patriotic education, civilization, subjective approach,
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148330166 | DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2024-4-40-47