Teaching folk medical concepts from the epic of Manas using the insert method

Автор: Tolonova G., Baitikova B., Bekmuratova R.

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Педагогические науки

Статья в выпуске: 5 т.10, 2024 года.

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Article discusses the problems of developing critical thinking and creative thinking of students when teaching the Epic of Manas in special vocational schools. To pay attention to building connections between previous knowledge in order to understand new ones. To develop students' thinking skills so that they can critically look at and evaluate information received. At the same time, students learn to communicate with each other in a special way using the table. Students should not be given ready-made knowledge in the classroom. Method INSERT for developing the critical thinking was chosen, and methodological instructions for practical lesson were organized, method and results were presented on a scientific basis. This experience is recommended for all teachers of the Epic of Manas. Almost approved. Specific steps of how the INSERT method implements reading comprehension, analytical and interpretive understanding based on the read text in developing students’ critical thinking were shown. To increase students’ interest in the Epic of Manas, as well as to substantiate various topics, specific examples from the epic can be considered. One critical thinking strategy that can help students work with text on a given topic is the INSERT method. This method is implemented on the basis of marked reading of the text, activates reading comprehension, critical thinking, helps analyze objections, be able to argue one’s views, understand the meanings in the epic, increase vocabulary, be able to form one’s own opinion, and develop creative thinking. It is necessary to awaken students' interest in education through the teachers’ skills. This is a question that sets a goal for the student in various ways and points the way to its implementation.


Manas studies, critical thinking, creative activity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14130149

IDR: 14130149   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/102/86

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