Педагогические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Бюллетень науки и практики

A course syllabus design: initial steps and recommendations
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The article attempts to highlight the importance of implementing a course syllabus design practices in Uzbek tertiary education. The syllabus is an introductory document that guides students throughout the entire course and functions as an asset to shape the initial impression on the course’s nature and its content. The constituent parts of a course syllabus are a general description and course objectives, topics, preliminary schedule of assignments, materials, grading plan, pre-set rules, and policies of class conduct. Also, the author discusses the basic syllabus sections and presents the guidelines on the points to be considered while designing a syllabus for the course.

Active teaching methods as means of developing students creativity
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In the article, you can get an answer to such questions as the place of a lecture in education and on the basis of this concept about the content of a lecture, what can and cannot be talked about. You cannot give all the material in a lecture. In fact, both an inexperienced teacher and a teacher with vast experience can make one methodological mistake: they want to include all their knowledge in the lecture. The teacher, trying to have time to present all the prepared material, lectures quickly. This of course reduces the effectiveness of the lecture. This note provides specific suggestions and discusses the didactic and psychological conditions for organizing the lecture. This article is recommended for university professors for use in lectures.

Activities of a foreign language teacher and professional pedagogical competence
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The article discusses the professional pedagogical competence and activities of foreign language teachers. Modern education depends on innovative activity, creativity and adequacy of teachers. Creativity is not only to generate new ideas, but to use essentice aspects in the life and to develop spiritual world of the person. Scientists who based on the activities of foreign language teachers defined the competencies of foreign language teachers: professional competence, communicative compotense, general cultural competence. The main competencies which were approved within the standard of Kyrgys Republic: information compotense, social - communicative compotense, self-organising and problem sowing compotense. The effectiveness of teachers. Communicative compotense also was reflacted on the basis of practical observation.

Analysis of curricula in terms of tolerance education of young school-age children
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The subject programs of elementary school are analyzed in the context of tolerance education in children. The analysis criteria were the tasks of developing tolerance in junior schoolchildren and the ways (mechanisms) we identified for solving these problems. Professionally, a fully organized pedagogical process consists not only of didactic but also of educational foundations, which purposefully involves the organization of the classroom and extracurricular educational work. According to the authors, the main task of the school is to cultivate a sense of national identity, pride, honor and dignity in the younger generation. Only in the process of formation of the pupil's personality, some conditions of tolerance and separate ways of their realization were reflected in a superficial form.

Analyzing testing tools according to the five principles of language assessment
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In order to have properties of a good test, assessment tools should meet the special requirements. In the current mini research, the selected test is analyzed and modified according to the five principles of language testing: practicality, reliability, validity, authenticity, and washback.

Applying Social Forms: The Project Method in Teaching Foreign Languages
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The article discusses applying the project method as one social form of teaching foreign languages. The author of the article considers that in project work students learn to cooperate, and cooperative learning fosters in them such moral values as mutual assistance, desire, and ability to empathize; it improves the general culture of communication and social behavior in general, forms creative abilities and activity of students, i.e. there is an inseparable process of training and education and leads students to practical possession of a foreign language.

Choosing an effective podcasting service for learning English language
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The rapid development of network information technologies opens up new prospects in the field of education. It is safe to say that in the modern world there is a tendency to merge educational and information technologies in order to form on this basis fundamentally new integrated learning technologies, based, in particular, on Internet technologies. With the use of podcasts, learning becomes interactive, the importance of independent work of students increases, the intensity of the educational process is seriously increased, etc.

Combining digital stories with the internet
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The Internet has the potential to enhance writing and literacy skills while offering a uniquely stylized form of expression. They are an excellent way to use educational technology and storytelling inside the classroom and beyond school walls. Producing digital stories give opportunities to self-expression encouraging creativity. They are both individualistic and collaborative because reading and writing can be used in a variety of academic contexts.

Communicative Approach in Teaching Foreign Languages
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The Communitive Approach in language teaching starts from а theory of language as communication. The goal of language teaching is to develop communicative competence. Another linguistic theory of communication favored in CLT is functional account of language use. Linguistic is concerned with the description of speech acts of texts, since only through study of language in use are all the functions of language and therefore all components of meaning brought into focus. The goal of language teaching is to develop what referred to as “communicative competence”. This term is coined in order to contrast а communicative view of language and theory of competence. Linguistic theory is concerned primarily with an ideal speaker-listener in а completely homogeneous speech community, who knows its language perfectly and is unaffected by such grammatically irrelevant conditions as memory limitation, distribution, shifts of attention and interest, and errors (random or characteristic) in applying his knowledge of the language in actual performance.

Communicative language teaching
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The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to communicative language teaching (CLT) and to describe methodological principles that facilitate the language learning process. CLT furthermore takes a pragmatic or performance-based approach to learning. Its goal is to promote the development of real-life language skills by engaging the learner in contextualized, meaningful, and communicative-oriented learning tasks. CLT methodologies embrace an eclectic approach to teaching, which means they borrow teaching practices from a wide array of methods that have been found effective and that are in accordance with principles of learning as suggested by research findings in research in SLA and cognitive psychology. Its open-ended or principle-based approach allows for a great deal of flexibility, which makes it adaptable to many individual programmatic and learner needs and goals.

Comparison of vocational pedagogical education in Finland and Czech Republic
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The pace of the Russian Economy is increasing rapidly therefore it requires more specialists who will fit in the current standards. That is why we have decided to look through specialists the training in Finland and Czech Republic.

Comprehensive teaching of subjects in the lower grades of the school
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Techniques are considered on how to teach the Kyrgyz language, how to enhance the activities and skills of students. It is recommended to integrate the study of the alphabet with teaching in other academic subjects and the use of different methods in teaching. It is concluded that if the teacher conducts a lesson with research in accordance with his skills, then the lessons of the past will be better absorbed.

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The questions of using computer technology in teaching and learning English language are considered. Computer technology presents a special communication environment between people. The environment includes the representations of different nations, ages, professions irrespective of their location.

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The article presents the results of an online survey conducted with teachers and parents of students in a multicultural environment in a Bulgarian school abroad. The purpose of the study is to determine the conditions for the formation of the communication and speech competencies of students in the period of literacy development in schools located outside Bulgaria, where the Bulgarian language is taught.

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The article introduces corpus-based DDL (Data-driven Learning) technologies in teaching ESP (English for Specific Purposes). The aim of the author is twofold: to offer English language teachers to design grammatical and lexical activities to develop senior students’ research writing skill and to assist senior students to construct scholarly field-related sentences. For the purpose of the study, the author used a mini manually compiled corpus of robotics, one of the branches of mechanical engineering and demonstrated practical instructions of corpus-based grammatical and lexical insights with DDL technologies. In spite of some limitations and future research, the findings of the study can contribute language teachers to develop senior students’ productive (writing) skills via designing corpus-based data driven materials as well as improve students to construct grammatically and lexically correct sentences for succeeding in their further research and career growth.

Diagnostics of the value system in students
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The system of value orientations defines the substantive aspects of personality orientation, and the foundations of its relationships to the surrounding world, other people, itself, the basis of its own worldview and the motivation of its vital activity form the core, the foundations of its life concept and philosophy of life. The methodology for diagnosing value orientations allows you to diagnose the structure of value orientations of an individual or group. The introduction of coaching, individual and group collaboration exercises in training under the influence of factors such as cognitive ability, speed and accuracy of data processing, emotional stability, emotional sensitivity is based on the fact that students are the main tools for the formation and development of interpersonal values such as “pleasant time”, “perception and pleasure of beauty”, “mutual respect” and emotional intelligence. The article covers these issues.

Didactic and practical value of metacognitive skills in el classrooms
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The article discusses the importance of metacognitive strategies in teaching reading in higher education using media materials. This is put forward in theoretical part of the article referring to a number of scholars who previously studied the issue. Practical part deals with analyzing the problems supposed to arise if students are not aware of and do not use metacognitive competence; and suggesting some guidelines about how EFL teachers can help students to develop that competence.

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The article examines the didactic conditions, opportunities and role of English-language media texts in the formation of sociolinguistic competence of future English teachers when teaching foreign languages in higher educational institutions of our country, analyzes the advantage of multilingualism, which allows the younger generation to freely integrate into the processes of global development. The object of our research is sociolinguistic competence in the educational process of a foreign language in universities. The subject of the study is the didactic possibilities of English-language media texts in the formation of sociolinguistic competence of future English language specialists. The purpose of our research is to determine the didactic capabilities of English-language media texts in the formation and development of sociolinguistic competence of future English language specialists. To achieve this goal, such methods as theoretical and analytical (analysis of methodological literature), systematic approach (pedagogical design and modeling) and methodological experiment were used. The result of the study shows that the most frequently used texts of current news have a very high potential for the formation of sociolinguistic competence of future English language specialists. The value of the work lies in the fact that the results of the study have made a certain contribution to understanding the role of English-language media texts in the formation and development of sociolinguistic competence of future English language specialists.

Differentiated approach in organizing independent work of students at English lessons
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The topic of differentiated instruction has continued to be a hot topic over the past 50 years, and will continue to be so as long as the classroom-lesson system of education exists. Differentiation can be defined as learning that takes place in groups of students, formed on the basis of any peculiarities, while taking into account the individual characteristics of students. In such groups, learning takes place according to several different curricula and programs. Authors describe main variants of realization of independent work with the help of differentiated approach and present the experience of implementing one of the options in teaching English language.

Differentiated approach in teaching a foreign language
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At the present stage of teaching a foreign language, one of the main goals is the formation of foreign language competence, which can be considered as a level of development of socio-cultural, linguistic, learning and cognitive competence, thanks to which the student can use the knowledge obtained in the lessons and apply them in life. One of the main ways to achieve this goal is the system-activity approach, which covers all aspects of foreign language acquisition. In this paper we will try to consider all aspects of the system-activity approach. We will find out how to organize the teacher's work so that this approach really fulfills its functions. Speaking about the system-activist approach, it is very important to note that an important point is the different abilities of all students, different levels of knowledge and preparedness. That is why the differentiated approach in teaching a foreign language deserves special attention.