Review of open information content on issues: science / scientometrics, quality of publications and the format of academic writing

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Subject of the article: review of actual problems of content of scientific periodicals. Object of the article: journal "Izvestiya of the Samara Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences" in the system of unity of research results and problems of scientific periodicals. The purpose of the work: informational and methodological support of the authors and preparation of the actual content of the journal articles for publication in the open press of research materials of various scientific schools. Methodology: analysis of the content of the journal in the system of scientific periodicals, synthesis of traditions of different scientific schools in the process of preparation of relevant content of articles of international level. Results: analytical review of content: positions of science / scientometrics, quality of publications, introduction to the system of academic writing in the framework of self-organization of the scientific community around the publication activity of the journal in areas of scientific activity. The field of application of the results: the scientific community as the avant-garde environment of the sofiosphere, which affects the development of society and forms the modern world, developing ways of human functioning in the technosphere as a natural stage of the existence of culture as a whole. The current model of the modern magazine, created by Russian scientists in the region, but aims to solve the problems of science in General, including the international level of integration, SS WoS, SCOPUS, etc. Output. In the scientific journal "proceedings of the Samara scientific center RAS. Social, humanitarian, medical and biological Sciences", consistently implemented a program of scientific communication, based on the existing scientific schools of the Samara region in the framework of the General trends of integration into the international scientific database. In search of the quality of scientific publications, we turn to the fundamental methodological principles in the description of empirical and theoretical research, as well as algorithmization of these processes, which are accepted in the processes of international scientific communication, that is, the formats and principles of academic writing. However, scientific communication, as a specific system of interaction of people engaged in scientific activities, is associated primarily with intercultural communication of peoples and countries, where many factors that are more likely to divide than connect people. Based on various concepts and models of academic writing, which the modern world uses as a system of common rules and regulations, scientific communication is possible within the framework of intercultural interaction of peoples.


ID: 148314306 Короткий адрес:

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