Assessment of the effectiveness of biological products and fertilizers in the cultivation of winter rye in the Upper Volga region

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The article presents the results of the study the purpose of which was the development of effective methods of using biological products in combination with mineral fertilizers in the cultivation of winter rye. The experiment was carried out on the soddy-podzolic soil of the Scientific Research Center of Education Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy, with a weakly acidic reaction of the soil solution, a low content of humus and exchangeable potassium, and an increased content of mobile phosphorus. In the course of the research, the effect of biological products: Rizoagrin, Flavobacterin, Extrasol and Bisolbisan at three levels of mineral nutrition on field germination, plant safety for harvesting, as well as on indicators of the structure of rye yield was studied. According to the results of studies, the drug Flavobacterin (90.2%) had the maximum effect on field germination under conditions of natural soil fertility, when using phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, the drug Rizoagrin was most effective (94.2%), and on (NPK) 60 - Bisolbisan ( 96.1%). The influence of biological products on the safety of plants was ambiguous: under conditions without the use of fertilizers, the best effect was obtained from Bisolbisan (83.2%), on (PK)60 from Extrasol (87.1%), and against the background of complete mineral fertilization, the most effective was Rhizoagrin (87.1%). Extrasol was the most effective in influencing the yield. Despite the fact that the effect of this drug on the field germination and safety of plants for harvesting without the use of fertilizers was at the control level or even lower, the conditions created by this drug provided the maximum data on the productive tillering and grain content of the ear. The use of the Extrasol preparation against the background of fertilizer (PK)60 showed the maximum yield of winter rye according to experience - 67.2 c/ha and additional conditionally net income (25.7 thousand rubles / ha) Against the background (NPK)60 from the use of the Estrasol preparation , additional conditional net income amounted to 24.4 thousand rubles. per hectare, and the grain content and grain weight per ear - 50.3 pcs. and 3.0 g, respectively.


Winter rye, crop structure, rhizoagrin, flavobacterin, bisolbisan, extrasol

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147235540   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2021.5.179

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