Efficiency evaluation of group signals transformation applying for senor networks

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The analysis of the problems of ensuring energy efficiency in sensor networks was carried out. Traditional methods provide either improved energy efficiency or lower latency. The group signal conversion method is briefly described and it is shown that the probabilistic characteristics of the sensor signals of the Internet of Things systems, for example, a connected car, satisfy the requirements necessary for applying the method described. Simulation performed shows the effectiveness of this method for improving the analog-to-digital conversation parameters. It is shown that the quantization error level may be reduced twice, and the signal-to-noise ratio of the analog-to-digital converter is increased by 8 dB. It is also shown that the effective number of bits may be reduced by 1 bit, which decreases the codeword length (and, so, latency) and improves the energy efficiency by 34 % for the 8-bit analog-to-digital converter example. Further research may be aimed at using the group signals conversion for improving noise immunity of the Internet of Things systems.


Differential transformation, energy efficiency, signal processing, sensor systems, internet of things

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140295763

IDR: 140295763   |   DOI: 10.18469/ikt.2022.20.1.07

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