Estimation of ecological and hygienic risk of development ioddeficiency conditions at critical groups of the population

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The diseases connected to deficiency of iodine, are one of the major problems of modern public health services all over the world in connection with wide prevalence. In Russia over 50% of territories are ioddeficiency (G.A. Gerasimov, 2003). The major role in development ioddeficiency conditions belongs to deterioration of ecological conditions: radioactive environmental contamination, increase of concentration of ions of heavy metals, other connections possessing struma effect, in ground, in air, water and foodstuff. Displays ioddeficiency are not only diseases of a thyroid gland, but also infringement of reproductive system, disease of a hypophysis, the pathology of pregnancy and sorts (abortions, mortinatus, congenital developmental anomalies, neurologic and cretinism), intellectual backwardness, surdomutism, dementia.


Anthropotechnology loading, ioddeficiency, gesnacion the period

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IDR: 148100231

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