Assessment of the electromagnetic environment in zones of simultaneous influence of several sources at different distances and generation of waves in one measurement plane

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The article deals with the issues of electromagnetic environment assessment in the zones of simultaneous influence of several sources at different distances from the control point, emitting electromagnetic waves in one plane, taking into account the superposition of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in a wide frequency range from 3 Hz to 300 GHz. The analysis of generally accepted approaches to the superposition of electromagnetic waves is presented. The technique of determining the sum of harmonic waves and the resulting amplitude of superimposed frequency components of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields under specific conditions of influence is considered. Expressions are given for calculating the sum of harmonic waves and the resulting amplitude of electromagnetic field components in a wide range from decamegametre to millimetre waves in areas of simultaneous influence of two sources emitting waves in the same plane. The step-by-step process of superposition of harmonic electromagnetic waves is described. The algorithm of superposition of electromagnetic fields in the frequency range up to 300 GHz is presented. The results of experimental measurements of the electric field strength of the highest intensity in the frequency range 10-160 kHz from the microclimate control system and the electric panel located in the production room are presented. The picture of the superposition of the frequency components of the electric field obtained at the first stage of the calculation using the developed software is given.


Electromagnetic wave, superposition of waves, resultant amplitude, sum of harmonic waves, overlay technique, overlay pattern, electromagnetic environment

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IDR: 146282848

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