Evaluation of quality of business center service

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The article examines the practical application of quality control in assessing the quality of service business centers. On the example of the situation in the real estate market of the city of Novosibirsk, criteria of quality of service of such centers (cost factors) and the possibility of their application for the determination of the rating points, assign to the business center to identify the most competitive and tailored to the needs of tenants centers. Summarizes the results of the Novosibirsk ratings of the quality of service business centers and concluded the feasibility of using the data of such ratings in the practice of appraisers to calculate the rental rates for space in business centers, and other facilities for evaluation.


Criteria of quality of service, the rating of business centers, rental rate dependence on the quality of service, cost factors, service quality assessment

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170172006

IDR: 170172006

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