Assessment of the mechanical function of the left atrium in patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation

Автор: Soukhanov S.G., Orekhova E.N., Matanovskaya T.V.

Журнал: Патология кровообращения и кардиохирургия @journal-meshalkin

Рубрика: Ишемическая болезнь сердца

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.19, 2015 года.

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Objective. The study was designed to investigate LA mechanical aspects in patients with IMR by using a vector analysis of endocardium rivement. Methods. 92 CHD patients aged 57.16±10.31 years, with 63 of them being males (68%), were treated at о^ center over a perbd of 2013-2014. The inclusbn criteria were: hemodynamically relevant damage of œronary arteries during œronary angbgraphy, I-III stage IMR acœrding to echocardiography, sinus rhythm of 60-89 beats per minute during examinatbn and good quality of echocardiographic visualization of endocardial LA. Results. A strong direct correlation between MP and SR at LA systole (RS=0.84) and MP and SR at LA at the œnduit phase was revealed. A reverse œrrelatbn of MP and SR о^^^ at the soaking phase (RS= -0.8) and at the reserroir phase (RS= -0.8). LA fongitu-dinal systolic deformation was significantly fow at the œntractile phase (patients with МР -6.2±4.4% vs -12±2.1% in the œntrol group, р


Ischemic mitral regurgitatbn, left atrium functbn

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IDR: 142140669

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