Morphofunctional state cattle evaluation for potential bioenergy

Автор: Miller T.V., Ryabukha A.V., Ryabukha V.A., Konoplyov V.A., Kapralov D.V., Zhong Ying

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2016 года.

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Acupuncture points are specific morphological structures associated with the nervous, cardiovas-cular and endocrine systems. The impact on the acupuncture points allows regulating the function-ing of some organs and systems. The authors found an association bioenergy potential of biologi-cally active points of head, axial and peripheral skeleton calves cattle BAT regarding the energy center Cranium nazi-6 and the body weight of the animal. Energy Center - BAT Cranium nazi-6 (Cr.n.-6), located in the medial plane of the head at the level of the interior angles of the eyes. The studies were carried out on calves under the age of 1 to 6 months. The determination of bioenergy po-tential calves was carried out using the apparatus "DiaDENS PC." The morphometric data of bioenergetic index BAP Cr.n.-6 relative to the weight of calves in the age aspect characterize an intense relationship of bioenergetic condition of the body of animals with age and increase of their body weight. The studies found out that the amount of bioenergy performance in the first two months of life of calves exceeds the weight of the animal, but by the end of the third month of the calf of the in-tensity of animal weight gain takes precedence over energy and growth to six months decreased to 41 %. At the same time, BAP Cr.n.-6 through which the animals bioenergetic exchange with the envi-ronment occurs is balanced, the homeostasis of the internal environment of the body and there is a smooth decrease in energy potential, together with the potential of BAP. Thus, the level of energy po-tential and the energy center of BAP acupuncture points can determine the morphological and func-tional condition of the body, diagnose the presence of pathological processes, and predict the health of the animals.


Calves, acupressure points, bioen-ergy potential, live weight, энергетический центр - бат cranium nazi-6 (cr.n.-6), energy center - bat cranium nazi-6 (cr.n.-6)

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IDR: 14084657

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