The evaluation of organoleptic, physical and chemical, structural characteristics of two-layer films on the basis of apple puree with agar-agar softener

Автор: Bykov D.E., Makarova N.V., Demidova A.V., Eremeeva N.B.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 11, 2017 года.

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Perspective direction is using such "active" co-vers as edible film materials. The basis of these coverings are natural polymers, i.e. polysaccha-rides, one of the best known is agar-agar. Edible films on the basis of natural polymers possess high sorption ability, entering human body adsorb and bring out ions of metals, radionuclides and other harmful substances. The objective of the research is studying organoleptic properties, structures, wa-ter absorbing ability, strength characteristics of composite films on the basis of apple puree with inclusion of agar-agar in one of the layers. 6 sam-ples of the film with different types and the content of softeners were made. For received samples of film organoleptic characteristics, the structure, wa-ter absorbing ability and structural properties were studied. All received films possessed good digesti-bility owing to the part of completely natural com-ponents. Apple puree provides specific dark and gold coloring of films. The results of microscopy showed that the samples had non-uniform structure with vials of air. The most homogenized samples were the films with the second layer containing CMC and cellulose. The value of indicator of water absorption was higher in film materials which part of the second layer were gelatin, carrageenan and cellulose. The films possessing high water absorb-ing ability are easily chewed and digested by the organism. The samples of received film on the ba-sis of apple puree and pectin are a little steady against water effect, especially at increased tem-perature. With the highest rates on the durability three types of the film were those having carragee-nan (10.02 MPas), agar-agar (8.46 MPas), pectin (6.07 MPas). Conducted researches show that studying of composite films is promising.


Double edible films, apple puree, agar-agar

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IDR: 140224169

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