Personnel evaluation as an essential element of the university strategic management

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In December 2010, the Program of development of the Far Eastern Federal University, created by merging four leading Universities of the region was approved. In 2013 the University became the participant of the Project “5-100” and started to follow the Program of increase of competitiveness. These important strategic documents suggested significant transformation of the personnel management system. The employees' conformity to traditional unified qualification requirements was no longer sufficient for the intensive development of the University. In addition to formally confirmed qualifications a highly effective worker must now possess a certain set of competencies. Their level of development cannot be assessed by the presence of a scientific degree or title, the number of scientific publications or teaching load. The purposes of this article are to study approaches to assessment in higher education and analysis of the experience of introducing a competence-based model in the Far Eastern Federal University. The authors used the methods of comparative and system analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, observation and experiment, historical, logical, evolutionary approaches to the study of personnel assessment tools, competence-based approach and the method of critical incidents to achieve these goals. The study showed that the successful experience of business games implementation for assessing staff competencies in a business environment can be applied in the University. But the practical experience of implementing a Universitywide competency model and the organization on the basis of the assessment center demonstrated the need for serious adaptation taking into account specificity of educational sphere and management in educational institutions in general and Universities in particular. The article describes the practical experience of the implementation of the project on the development and implementation of the unique model of competences and procedures of the assessment center personnel participating in the talent management program and is of interest for heads of Universities, colleges, schools and others.


Competencies, evaluation of personnel, assessment centre, model of competences, university's personnel, case-study

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IDR: 142227065

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