Estimation of construction costs in the Kortros group of companies using information model data analytics

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The article highlights the use of digital information models in the Kortros Group of Companies to estimate the cost of construction at the design stages and preparation for the contracting of construction and installation works. As part of the study, a business intelligence tool, the BI platform, is considered as a method for determining the cost of construction. The accuracy of the data obtained from digital information models was assessed at the stages of Architectural and urban planning concept, Project, Tender and Working Documentation. As a result of the study, the authors made conclusions about the use of data analytics of information models at the early stages of work on an investment and construction project to predict the cost of construction, as well as about BI-platforms as tools for determining it.


Information modeling, information model of a capital construction facility, data analytics, cost of construction

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147246046   |   DOI: 10.14529/build240406

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