Evaluation of wing twist effect on aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft by numerical modeling method

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The article presents the results of numerical simulation using specialized programs to solve the problems of aerodynamic calculation of aircraft. The main attention is paid to the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the influence of aerodynamic and geometric wing twist on the aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft. Inductive aerodynamic drag coefficient and aerodynamic quality have been chosen as the evaluated aerodynamic characteristics. The methodology of the evaluation using the XFLR5 application program package is also described in detail. The article presents recommendations on how to take into account this influence of the considered geometric parameters on the process of aircraft flight operation.


Numerical modeling, aerodynamic calculation, geometric parameters of the wing, aerodynamic characteristics

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207194

IDR: 170207194   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-3-101-104

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