Assessment of shelterwood and nitric fertilizers on the life of spruce in north birch grove

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The functional activity of processes in canopy spruce in bilberry birch groves in the north-east of Russia in the complex action of gradual cuttings and nitrogen fertilizer was studied. Under the cano-py of mature birch needles the intensity of photo-synthesis in spruce in 2-3 times lower than in clear-ings. Shelterwood, increasing the flow of light under the canopy of birch significantly activate physiologi-cal processes spruce. After cutting 52 % of decidu-ous stock in 59-year-old birch deciduous bilberry 52 % margin, the intensity of photosynthesis in needles spruce has increased in 2.2-2.4 times, increased outflow of assimilates and improved sup-ply of growth merisystem (needles, roots, wood cambium trunk). Adding to the sparse birch felling of nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the further strengthening of life in spruce. In the five years of the complex care of the additional growth of apical shoots from spruce increased by 19.2-20.8 cm in diameter growth increased by 2.8-3.4 times. In or-der to achieve a positive effect on the comprehen-sive care of birch stands of northern bilberry quite thin out using 0.5 to completeness, and then an additional 2-3 years to make 180 kg/ha of nitrogen. Thinning of the tree layer to the fullness of the stand 0.2 and the introduction of increased doses of nitrogen does not contribute to strengthening the physiological condition in spruce.


Blueberry birch groves, spruce growth, gradual felling, nitrogen fertilizers, photo-synthesis, pigments, root respiration, vegetative organs growth

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IDR: 14084695

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