Eleven recommendations to those who professionally read evaluator reports

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The article gives recommendations to bank experts working with collateral for expert review of reports on the assessment of collateral objects, the follow-up of which will increase the efficiency of their work with the report, will make it possible to more correctly choose the optimal value of the collateral object and «defend» it in court in case of disputes with the borrower. The relevance of the proposals is due to the fact that it is often difficult to understand why the collateral values indicated in different evaluation reports of the same object vary significantly.

Consideration of disputes about the cost in court, the hypothesis of a uniform price for the object, the algorithm for the formation of the interval of value, bid prices adjusted for bargaining, the subjectivity of transaction prices, the method of the proposed development of the land


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170173080

IDR: 170173080

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