Oglans (uhlans) in Russia of the latter half of XV until XVI centuries: status change

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The article is the author's first attempt to describe the status of oglans (uhlans) and its change in Russia of the latter half of XV until XVII centuries. According to distributed data 18 oglans were identified in the given period: 17 males and one oglan's daughter. Most of them were connected to the town of Kassimov and service class descents of Genghis Khan. The conclusion was made that they are to be referred to as descents from Genghis Khan. Supposedly, they could descend from the branches who couldn't claim the throne in Desht-i-Qipchaq of the stated period, which can be explained by the dominance of the dynastic hereditary succession over the family one. Gradual decline of oglans took place in both, Moscow and Crimea. Though initially their status was close to the one of service class Tatar tsareviches, in the end of XVI century they were mentioned only as representatives of migrant descents' from Genghis Khan courts. Nevertheless, their high status was recognized.


Русское государство xv-xvi вв., Russia in xv-xvi centuries, crimea, kazan, service class tatars, descents from gengis khan, oglans, kassimov

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219176

IDR: 147219176

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