Turkic-Mongolian type belt tinder box with Chinese inscriptions and symbols

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The main theme of this article is to review the belt tinder box, which have a functional and artistic value and symbolic image. These devices for the fire were spread widely among the Turks and the Mongols in Southern Siberia and Central Asia Fire steel is one of the most common types of archaeological finds in the funerary complex of medieval nomads of Eurasia. They were a fixture, as well as the decoration of the belt of the warrior and the evidence of his social status. Fire steel research related to the analysis and decorations in their description of the terms of functional aesthetics. Transition to fire steel in Southern Siberia and Central Asia occurred during the second half of I AD. Decorated belt tinder box are fixed at the burials of the Turks in Siberia and Mongolia. Turkic-Mongolian type belt tinder box having original form and beautiful ornament appear in the late Middle Ages. Transition to fire steel in Southern Siberia and Central Asia occurred during the second half of I AD. Decorated belt tinder box are fixed at the burials of the Turks in Siberia and Mongolia. Turkic-Mongolian type belt tinder box having original form and beautiful ornament appear in the late Middle Ages. In the XIX century, they became the part of a national costume of Mongols, Buryats, Tuvinians, Altaic and Khakas peoples. Masters decorated the belt purses with floral and geometric patterns, and corals. Chinese jewelers used different metals including gold and silver. Chinese goods came to South Siberia through the territory of the northwestern Mongolia and Russian border town Kyakhta. The goods were subject of interest for rich and wealthy people, who often bargained sable fur for them. The article considers a separate group of a flint (10 copies) with brief Chinese inscriptions. They are presented in the form of stylized characters-characters, which mean the wish of «long life», «happiness and prosperity». Hieroglyphics were made of silver, brass or copper, and placed in the central part of the valve leather handbags. These inscriptions are accompanied by allegorical depictions of birds, animals and plants, which further intensified the value of the main hieroglyphic symbol. Qing Dynasty made exams extremely difficult for those who would like to obtain the position of a state official. Belt tinder box have characters with a wish to pass three stages exams safely. In household devices for receiving fire reflected the distinctive artistic style. This style is organically combined the ornamental motifs of the nomadic peoples of the ethical and aesthetic principles of Chinese culture. A variety of artistic styles and availability of individual techniques in the design of decoration suggest the richness of the aesthetic tastes of Turks and Mongolian peoples of Southern Siberia and Central Asia.


Center asia, mongolia, china, good luck, ornamentation, semantic, fire steel, belt tinder box

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219079

IDR: 147219079

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