Oxidative modification of proteins in cardiac and skeletal muscles of rats under the influence of the substrate of nitric oxide synthesis

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The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of L-arginine on oxidative modification of proteins of heart and skeletal muscle. The study was performed on rats male Wistar, contained in standard conditions of animal house and divided into control and experimental groups, 12 animals each. The experimental sample consisted of a group with administration of L-arginine at a dose of 500 mg/kg. The indicators studied in the cytosolic fraction of the homogenate of the myocardium and skeletal muscles of rats. Oxidative modification proteins in cytoplasmic fractions was evaluated by the method of R. L. Levine in modification of E. E. Dubininoj, after precipitation of nucleic acids 10 % solution of streptomycin sulfate. On the obtained values of extinction have built a range of oxidative modification of proteins, and calculated the area under the curve, expressing values in units per gram protein (u.e./g of protein). Estimation of reserve and adaptation capacity were produced by calculating the relationship of the total area under the curve of carbonyl derived proteins in spontaneous oxidation to proteins induced by Fenton's reaction, taking the total number of dinitrophenylhydrazones 100%. Found that exposure of L-arginine causes a decrease in oxidative modification of proteins in skeletal muscle of rats without changes of reserve and adaptive capacity; in the myocardium a significant increase in the content of carbonyl derivatives of proteins and depletion of the reserve of adaptive capacity.


Myocardium and skeletal muscle of rats, arginine, markers of oxidative modification of proteins, backup-adaptive capacity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147204757

IDR: 147204757

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