On a general relativity extension

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The thorough analysis of the duality properties of the Riemann curvature tensor points to the possibility of the extension of Einstein’s General Relativity to a nonabelian Yang-Mills theory. The equations of motion of the theory are the Yang-Mills’ equations for the curvature tensor. Einstein’s equations (with cosmological term to appear as an integration constant) are contained in the theory proposed. What is new is that now the gravitational field is not exclusively determined by the matter energy-momentum but can possess its own non-Einsteinian dynamics (vacuum fluctuations, self-interaction) which is generally an attribute of a nonabelian gauge field. The gravitational equations proper due to either matter energy-momentum or vacuum fluctuations are side conditions imposed on the Riemann tensor, like self-duality conditions. One of such conditions in the end results in Einstein’s equations, other ones are the gravitational instantons equations.


Nonabelian duality, instanton, noneinsteinian gravity, cosmological term

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14750752

IDR: 14750752

Список литературы On a general relativity extension

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