On an alternative method for testing the dynamic strength of a small spacecraft structure
Автор: Igolkin A.A., Filipov A.G.
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering
Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.24, 2023 года.
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This article presents an analysis of the possibility of applying an alternative approach to testing the mechanical effects of the design of a small spacecraft for remote sensing of the Earth, which has an analog product that has passed a full cycle of ground experimental testing. However, despite the similar power scheme and the maximum borrowing of onboard equipment with minimal modifications, the spacecraft planned for testing has a number of significant differences. The application of the main alternative strategies in foreign and domestic practice in the ground-based experimental development of space technology is considered, their advantages and disadvantages are described. Some criteria for decision-making on the rejection of the use of traditional methods of ground-based experimental testing of space technology for mechanical effects are given. The analysis of the normative and technical documentation adopted in the domestic industry in terms of clarifying the list of development tests of spacecraft, the assumptions of applying the computational and experimental method to the development of dynamic (vibration) strength and the analysis of the design of the spacecraft planned for testing in comparison with an analog product showed that the most preferred method of testing dynamic (vibration) strength is the strategy “protocol qualifications”. In accordance with the chosen strategy, a list of tasks was defined that will clarify the nomenclature of the development tests of the research object.
Vibration strength, dynamic testing, in the ground experimental development, protoqualification
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148329696
IDR: 148329696 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2023-24-3-521-526
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