Onomasticon of the national park "Yugyd va": linguoculturological potential

Автор: Belyaev A.G., Musanov A.G.

Журнал: Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН @izvestia-komisc

Статья в выпуске: 1 (53), 2022 года.

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The «Yugyd Va» National Park is one of the unique and largest natural reserves in the world, with the largest array of virgin taiga forests in Europe. Crystal clear natural water is the main value of the park, perhaps its name comes from here - «Yugyd va», in the Komi language means “(lit.) light water”. The originality of natural landscapes, ecologically clean water and air attract travelers. Of particular importance in the tourist discourse are onomastic materials that make it possible to explicate the features of the spiritual and material development of a certain nation at a certain stage of its development. Tribes that have left a unique cultural heritage - historical onomastic realities - have long lived in the specially protected natural territories of the national park.The richness and diversity of the landscape of the studied region, its ora and fauna are re ected in the geographical vocabulary, the formation of which was strongly in uenced by related and unrelated languages and dialects. The collected materials allow us to verify the toponymic system associated with the Finno-Ugric and Russian languages.Onomastic material contains a huge socio-cultural potential. Therefore, when studying proper names, one of the main approaches should be to study them as socio-cultural signs that store a signi cant layer of historical and cultural information.Until recently, researchers underestimated the importance of the socio-cultural component of the proper name, mainly focusing on the study of purely linguistic features, historical and compara tive analysis, the presence of a conceptual national component in onyms was practically excluded.Along with the ability to transmit information that is signi cant to the recipient, onyms representing signs and symbols remain closed to the «uninitiated» or foreign cultural recipients. The identi cation of the national and cultural speci cs of a proper name has an undoubted signi cance in terms of familiarization with someone else’s culture.



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IDR: 149139717

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