Ontological pessimism as stagnation form in collection of T. Tolstaya's stories «Okkerville river»

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The article develops the problem of the ontological pessimism as a central frame of mind of «stagnation» epoch and gives its reflection in the creative work of a representative of the «stagnant» literature. The author analyzes the collection of stories «Okkerville river» of Tatyana Tolstaya. The pessimism in the structure of the artistic thought is the negation of the human and universal life. Tatyana Tolstaya describes resolutely the particular incidents of the soviet reality as the manifestations of the humanist disaster. The artistic method of Tatyana Tolstaya correlates with the attitude of Jaspers and Heidegger: a human must make a declaration of his defeat in order to save oneself.


Ontological pessimism, stagnation, motif, collection of stories, literature, philosophy, psychology

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148100761

IDR: 148100761

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