Opinion based on Polarity and Clustering for Product Feature Extraction
Автор: Sanjoy Das, Bharat Singh, Saroj Kushwah, Prashant Johri
Журнал: International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB) @ijieeb
Статья в выпуске: 5 vol.8, 2016 года.
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In recent time, with the rapid development of web 2.0 the number of online user-generated review of product is increases very rapidly. It is very difficult for user to read all reviews and handle all websites to make a valuable decision at feature level. The feature level opinion mining has become very infeasible when people write same feature with contrary words or phrases. To produce a relevant feature based summary of domain synonyms words and phrase, need to be group into same feature group. In this work, we focus on feature based opinion mining and proposed a dynamic system for generate feature based summary of specific feature with specific polarity of opinion according to customer demand on periodic base and changed the summary after a span of period according to customer demand. First a method for feature (frequent and infrequent) extraction using the probabilistic approach at word-level. Second identify the corresponding opinion word and make feature-opinion pair. Third we designed an algorithm for final polarity detection of opinion. Finally, assigning the each feature-opinion pair into the respective feature based cluster (positive, negative or neutral) to generate the summary of specific feature with specific opinion on periodic base which are helpful for user. The experiment results show that our approach can achieves 96%accuracy in feature extraction and 92% accuracy in final polarity detection of feature-opinion pair in feature based summary generation task.
Clustering, infrequent feature, frequent feature, opinion mining, sentiment orientation, feature based analysis
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15013477
IDR: 15013477
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