The basic sites of Early Neolithic period on Sakhalin island (the questions of dating and contents of phases)

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The early Neolithic sites of Sakhalin island are known since first half XX century, but only since its last quarter the early Neolithic sites become a subject of purposeful excavation. During 2004-2008 we had been investigated a line of objects of early Neolithic, including Slavnaya 4 and Slavnaya 5 sites, which researches has allowed to make a some basic conclusions concerning of this period of Neolithic. The first, we are received the template collections of the early Neolithic period in situ, the second, we are discovered the buried pit dwellings of this period, and we are received the radiocarbon and AMS data of early Neolithic objects. On the basin of this sources has been formulated the time model and determined contents of early Neolithic of Sakhalin island and it's phases.


Радиоуглеродные и ams даты, sakhalin island, early neolithic, blade arrowheads culture, early pottery, blade technique, bifacial technique, buried pit dwellings, radiocarbon and ams dates

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IDR: 14737099

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