Definition of activity katalasa erythrosyte as parameter of antioxidant protection of the organism of laboratory animals at influence oxid of vanadium

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One of priority alienbiot the Samara area is oxid vanadium. The basic way of receipt of vanadium to an organism inhalation of the dust containing oxid of vanadium. It is necessary to note, that those dozes oxid vanadium V2O5 which were used in experiences, repeatedly exceed the concentration having a place in the nature. By us it is established, that at introduction in an organism of laboratory animals oxid vanadium the system antioxidant protection of an organism is broken. It is expressed in change of resistency erythrocyte and their destruction. The expressed tendency to decrease (reduction) in activity katalasa is observed also.


Antioxidant protection, alienbiot, erythrocyte, katalasa

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IDR: 148100234

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