Determination of dynamic parameters of the drive of the experimental stand for research of cardan transfers

Автор: Struchkov A.V., Kukushkin E.V., Eresko S.P., Eresko T.T.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Математика, механика, информатика

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.17, 2016 года.

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Obtaining reliable dynamic parameters of elements at design of transmission systems for the purpose of effective decrease in dynamic components of torsional fluctuations is the major task. The results of physical and mathematical modeling of transmission systems of drives of transport processing equipment of land means of ensuring of flights of aircraft containing cardan transfers are given. The settlement chain multimass torsional and oscillatory dynamic model is developed for carrying out theoretical researches and the analysis of internal dynamics of the drive of the stand and the key dynamic parameters of her elements are determined. Methods of pilot studies of the key dynamic parameters of elements of the drive of the stand are shown, the analysis of research of total tortional rigidity is provided and its components - torsional stiffness of shaft, contact stiffness splined of the connections given to torsional stiffness of shaft, flexural stiffness of shaft together with stiffness of the support and gear gearings given to torsional stiffness of shaft the ratio of various components of a pliability in balance of a torsional pliability of the check point of the drive of the stand on each of four transfers is defined. Realization of mathematical model by means of the author’s APM GYDROTRAS II program is shown. The conducted researches are directed to receiving a hardware and software system for improvement of problems of design of shaft lines, taking into account their behavior in operation with use, both virtual instruments of modeling of the load modes, and real researches and operational development by means of the experimental stand and the offered technique of scientific researches that as a result will allow to reduce considerably expenses of time for design with simultaneous improvement of quality of the made design decisions, and also will allow investigating already designed drives for the purpose of optimization of their constructive and regime parameters.


Dynamic parameters, moment of inertia, stiffness, compliance, experimental study of cardan transmission, stand

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IDR: 148177605

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