Calculation of the coupling loss factors for the angle connected beams

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The use of the statistical energy method for the analysis of dynamic systems assumes knowing coupling loss factors of the subsystems. Coupling loss factors show how much energy transfers from one subsystem to another. They are included in the system of power-balance equations and must first be determined analytically, experimentally or numerically. The most promising of the listed methods is numerical. In particular, this article uses the finite element method. The purpose of this study is to determine the coupling loss factors of two subsystems in two versions of their relative position. The basis is the model of an L-shaped connection of two beams, which is quite common in such studies. L-shaped connections of structural parts are prevalent in building structures, but in other areas, such as the development of space and aviation technology, structural elements with an angle other than 90° between them. Since energy methods can also be applied to the aerospace industry, when developing approaches to structural analysis using such methods, it will be useful to know how the energy system parameters, in particular the coupling loss factors, depend on the coupled angle. The paper considered two configurations of the system: in the first, the beams connected at a right angle, in the second, at an angle of 45°. We calculate the coupling loss factors of the beams for both system configurations. Conclusions of this paper draw about the possibility of extending the result to more complex structures, namely the spacecraft structures.


Energy method, coupling loss factor, power-balance equation, spacecraft, oscillation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328309   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-1-18-24

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