Definition of educational tourism: comparative legal aspect of the doctrine and norms of law

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The purpose of this article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as doctrinal research in the field of tourism and education. Today, the thesis about the importance and necessity of getting an education is not disputed by anyone, but it is not always possible to get it in one’s place of permanent residence, and therefore quite often people have to travel to another area. In this context, it is appropriate to raise the question of the need to study such a concept as "educational tourism", which is already known to several countries. Realizing the importance of education, having positive experience of other countries, doctrinal research on this issue, Russia still has not legislated the definition of educational tourism. The absence of a full-fledged legal regulation of educational tourism issues, which is de facto implemented in practice, on the one hand, can create unresolved conflicts, and on the other hand, it can become a brake on the development of a popular type of tourism. The subject of the study is the social relations that develop in the process of formation and development of educational tourism. Regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and scientific literature were used in carrying out the study. The analysis of these sources was carried out using both general scientific and private scientific methods of scientific cognition. The result of the study was the definition of "educational tourism" formulated by the authors, as well as the definition of signs that distinguish it from other, similar types of tourism. The practical significance of the work lies in the identification of signs of educational tourism and the formulation of its definition.


Tourism, travel, education, motivation, knowledge, law, legislation, doctrine, definition, popular science tourism

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IDR: 140305405   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11177159

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