Determination of the adhesive-bonded joint parameters durian honeycomb panels manufacturing

Автор: Mikhnev M.M., Ishenina N.N., Nagovitsin V.N.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Технологические процессы и материалы

Статья в выпуске: 4 (37), 2011 года.

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The paper covers the strength criteria of adhesive joint skin jacket – honeycomb filler. The calculation of the theoretical height of the adhesive fillet which is necessary for the required strength of adhesive joint,based on structural peculiarities of manufactured honeycomb panels, is presented.

Honeycomb panel, adhesive-bonded joint, strength criteria

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IDR: 148176648

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