Optimization the differential diagnosis of bone tumours

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The work is devoted to a new integrated approach to differential diagnosis of bone tumor, including infrared spectroscopy of blood serum and the device for biopsy of bone tissue. The complex diagnostics including the estimation the content of carbonyl derivative proteins in blood serum of patients gives the chance significantly to increase a share of true and positive results of differential diagnosis of malignant and benign bone tumors: sensitivity of a method - 89,1%, specificity - 84,8%, accuracy - 87,5%. Receiving biopsy material of a bone tissue with use the original device promotes increase in reliability of histologic conclusion at presurgical stage of inspection to 96,0% (p=0,025), increases the frequency of cases of coincidence to the conclusion of planned histologic research for 15,2%, reduces the frequency of divergences with planned histologic research by 79,1%.


Differential diagnostics, tumor, bones, infrared spectroscopy, biopsy

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148102323

IDR: 148102323

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