Optimization of single-channel queuing system with unlimited queue

Автор: Osipov Gennadiy

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 9 (10), 2016 года.

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The paper discusses the theoretical and methodological foundations of analytical and simulation of single-channel queuing system with unlimited queue. In an environment simulation systems studied adopted a package AnyLogic, to which implemented all modern modeling paradigm. The basic methodology of the synthesis and study of queuing systems selected simulation-optimization approach to modeling, gathering the power of simulation and optimization. This concept allows for the analysis and synthesis of the project sites, as well as to optimize the functioning of the system leading them into compliance with the requirements of economic efficiency, ecological security and technological perfection. The practical implementation is made imitation, parametric analysis and optimization of complex systems - sea port with dedicated cargo terminal. The dependence of the above (unit load), the total cost associated with waiting in line (ship component) and service in the channel (at the terminal) is proposed as an objective function (optimization criterion). Thus solves the problem of determining the optimal capacity of the terminal by the criterion of minimum total discounted costs for processing the incoming traffic flow (traffic). Prospective studies are aimed at the review and analysis of multi-channel systems with a variety of disciplines and with the priorities of queues in service. The main purpose - to optimize the effectiveness of the functioning of the ship - terminal on the criterion of the total cost.


Queuing systems, simulation, optimization problem, seaport, specialized cargo terminal

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14112413

IDR: 14112413   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.154304

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