Optimization of decision-making in management in organizational systems with a heterogeneous structure of spatial elements

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The article discusses models and procedures for optimizing decision-making in management in organizational systems with a heterogeneous structure of spatial components. It is shown that the heterogeneity of the structure is determined by the variety of types, categories and states of spatial elements within which the objects of the organizational system implement activity processes. A sequence of expert assessment procedures is proposed to optimize management decision-making on the distribution of the planned amount of resource provision between objects for the implementation of activity processes in accordance with the specified requirements for performance indicators and the planned volume of performance results. The selection of the final version of the management decision on a variety of alternatives is carried out by experts by voting using the majority rule. Optimization modeling is the basis for decision-making when allocating of resources for the transformation of spatial elements to increase the efficiency of activity processes and the selection of subsets of activities for specified time periods. The formalization of extreme and boundary requirements in solving control problems makes it possible to form models of multi-alternative optimization. The problem orientation of algorithmic procedures of randomized iterative search is carried out, taking into account the features of an organizational system with a heterogeneous structure of spatial elements.


Organizational system, management, structure of spatial elements, expert assessment, optimization

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148330051

IDR: 148330051   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V9187.24.03.P.87

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