Application of Chinese remainder theorem with fractions to error correction process optimization in the residue number system

Автор: Chervyakov Nikolai Ivanovich, Ljahov Pavel Alekseyevich, Babenko Mikhail Grigorevich, Lavrinenko Irina Nikolaevna, Lavrinenko Anton Viktorovich, Nazarov Anton Sergeevich, Al-Galda Safwat Chiad

Журнал: Инфокоммуникационные технологии @ikt-psuti

Рубрика: Теоретические основы технологий передачи и обработки информации и сигналов

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.16, 2018 года.

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In this paper we present the results of error detection and correction optimization based on the redundant residue number system that is used in computer data processing due to its ability to increase the information stability during data transmission and processing. The proposed error correction optimization is based on the application of a new form of the Chinese Remainder Theorem, which differs from the classical one in that it uses non-integer numbers rather than fractional quantities. This approach allows to significantly reduce the computational complexity in the error correction for RNS operating processors. Such a processor is usually called a “modular processor”. The results of modeling show high efficiency of the proposed approach in comparison with the known methods based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem and Mixed Radix Conversion.


Modular processor, algorithm, chinese remainder theorem, residue number system, mixed radix conversion, approximate method, fractions

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140256179   |   DOI: 10.18469/ikt.2018.16.2.01

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