Optimization control actions for the electrolytic method of aluminium production

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The most common indicator of the aluminium production process managing efficiency is the cost of the metal production, but this concept includes a lot of components. First, this is the cost of raw materials and electricity in this region, as well as the labour cost per ton of products, consumption coefficients of raw materials and energy, capital costs for construction and repairs, waste disposal cost, environmental payments, etc. At the same time, there is no single functional of the process quality, depending on technological parameters, that is, the problem of complete and relatively strict mathematical process optimization as a whole is currently not solvable, not only because of its volume, but because of the lack of a complete efficiency model. In this study, particular efficiency criteria are considered, the improvement of which is aimed at the optimization model of control actions developed by the authors, which are selected based on the possible levers of the current automated process control system (APCS) for aluminium electrolysis. All tests were carried out on Virtual cell software without transfer to a real control object.


Aluminium production, process parameter optimization, automated process control system (apcs), virtual cel

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148321979

IDR: 148321979   |   DOI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2020-21-3-314-322

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