Optimization modeling and algorithmization of management of the process of disaggregation of resources and volume of activity in a structurally complex system with digital transfer of solutions

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The article is devoted to the development of optimization models and algorithms for managing the process of disaggregation of resources and volumes of activity in a digitalized system. It is shown that a digitalized system is understood as a structurally complex system in which the interaction of the control and activity environments is carried out through the digital transfer of decisions made. Moreover, the structure of such a system is characterized by a multilayer distribution topology, and the disaggregation process is a process of dividing a given level of resources and volume of activity. The procedure for forming an optimization model of the disaggregation process by type of resource is considered. A preliminary expert assessment of the needs and resource significance coefficients is carried out. Based on the requirements of the control environment and expert assessments, alternative disaggregation options have been identified. The selection of the best option for distributing a given level by type of resource and the optimal solution for digital transfer to the activity environment is carried out on the basis of a linear programming optimization model. Algorithmization of decision-making is based on two stages: transition to the dual linear programming problem and comparative analysis of alternative options based on the values of the objective function of this problem, obtaining a solution to the direct linear programming problem, taking into account the selected option for distribution by type of resource for subsequent digital transfer. An optimization model of the process of disaggregation of the volume of activity has been formed, which allows, based on solving the linear programming problem, to make decisions for the subsequent digital transfer into the activity environment.


Digitalized system, disaggregation process, management, expert assessment, optimization

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148328219

IDR: 148328219   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V9187.24.01.P.11

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